Monday, May 12, 2014


I can hardly believe I am only 2 weeks away from having a baby! I'm FREAKING out a little! (that is only 336 hours away, just in case you were wondering!) It feels like the last few weeks have been a whirlwind--some days pass so slow, but most fly by! I feel like it was just yesterday we found out we were expecting!

I feel as though I should write down my thoughts, and what we have been feeling and experiencing the last few weeks--especially with things getting down to the wire. When I think about the things we have faced, and what we have been through so far, the word that comes to my mind is THANKFUL. Yes, we are thankful for this trial that has been placed in our path--it might sound weird, but I honestly think that Tyler and I have grown together, as well as individually. I feel closer to him now, than I ever have. I am so THANKFUL for him, for his love, his example, and the Priesthood he holds. I know we have been so blessed because of it. He already loves our baby girl so much, and is so excited to be a dad. I know he will be incredible! I love him so much, and am so glad our family is FOREVER! 

I am beyond THANKFUL for my own testimony and knowledge of the gospel. I cannot even begin to imagine how hard this would be without the knowledge I have. Even when times are hard, I know I have a loving Heavenly Father who is there to listen and guide me to where I need to be. Without knowing that, I would be a complete mess. I feel like my relationship with him has grown, and that I am coming to know myself better--along with his plan for our family. I trust him 100% and know that everything will be okay.

I am THANKFUL for my little brother Josh, and for his decision to serve a mission. He is a huge example to me--he has been a huge strength to me, and always knows just what to say when I am struggling. He is always concerned about us, and always tells us he loves us. He has an amazing testimony, and I know that he is working hard and having fun. Talking to him for Mother's Day was so great, he couldn't stop smiling. I am so glad he is happy. Brenna is going to LOVE him!

I am SO THANKFUL for my family. They are incredible. I can't imagine my life without them. I am so glad we are so closely knit, and that we live so close. They are always so willing to help us, and have been so understanding, loving, and patient. I am especially grateful for my mom, who is always willing to listen to me, even when I am a sobbing mess. My dad is always willing to give me advice, and he always tells me he loves me, even if we are on the phone. My sisters always make me smile, and are so fun. They will be so good to Brenna, and I am so glad! I love my extended family also. They are always wanting to help, and want the best for us. We are incredibly lucky to be surrounded by amazing people.

I am THANKFUL for the opportunity I have to become a mother. I have never in my life felt more love for someone so small, who I haven't even met yet. I feel as though I already know her in some ways, and am so excited to get to meet her and know her more. I never thought I would say this, but I am THANKFUL for the pain and discomforts I have felt throughout being pregnant. It is a constant reminder to me of the sacrifice of my Savior, who endured so much for me. Even though what I have felt has no comparison to what he suffered, I know that he knows what I am going through, and will offer me peace and comfort. It is also a sweet reminder that I am about to become a mom to a beautiful little girl, and that everything will be worth it when I see and hold her for the first time.

We are so ready to meet Brenna, and help her on her journey through life. We are officially on the countdown, and get more and more anxious everyday! We will have a set induction date next Monday! We are so excited!!


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